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Partnership Case Studies

Case studies describe the dynamics of partnerships to improve community well-being. They describe how and why the partners decided to partner, who does what, challenges, results, key success factors, and future plans and expectations.

Creating Shared Value Through the Integrated Community Empowerment Program in Desa Guliling, Mamuju


A Partnership Between Nestle Indonesia and Perkumpulan Miguani

Nestlé integrates sustainable business development into daily business activities by creating shared value (CSV) approach. This approach promotes nutritional improvement, clean water access and rural development as the three main focuses surrounding their business operational area, or later referred to as integrated community empowerment in Guliling Village. Nestlé’s contributions to the quality of life of its suppliers are expected to give impacts on increasing the quality of raw materials productivity that meets the company standards. In implementing the CSV program in Guliling Village, Nestlé has partnered with Migunani Association. 


The integrated community empowerment program in Guliling Village has been implemented for three years, namely from 2015 until 2017. Through this program, Nestlé not only succeeded in providing access to clean water and sanitation but also succeeded in changing the lifestyle of the Guliling Village community to become healthier, improving health services, as well as developing the potential of the local economy through the development of Village-Owned Business Unit (BUMDes). Using the community participatory approach, Nestlé believes with this integrated community empowerment program will be able to promote the sense of ownership from the local community to ensure program sustainability in the future.


The Power of Partnerships: Developing & Maintaining Partnerships in Used Packaging in Bali â€‹


A Partnership Between Tetra Pak and ecoBali

The partnership between Tetra Pak Indonesia and ecoBali started in 2007 until 2013 with the possibility to continue. The partnership was based on the common interest to reduce used packaging. For Tetra Pak, waste reduction is a commitment of company's founder. While for ecoBali, this partnership was in line with its mission to achieve zero-waste Bali. ecoBali built and expanded the garbage collection network through direct collaboration with garbage stalls/resellers, applying standard packaging waste collection and compacting, and transporting the compact bales to a recycling plant in Surabaya, East Java.


In addition, ecoBali also organized training sessions on environmental awareness for schools and hotels, with full support from the government of Bali. Meanwhile, Tetra Pak facilitated the ecoBali activities to the recycling plant, provided technical assistance in recycling process and promoted the environmental and recycling program to the wider community, both in Indonesia and abroad. This clear division of tasks and roles was the key to their successful partnership.


By June 2013, more than 800 teachers, 7,000 students (from 15 public schools and 7 international schools), and more than 100 employees were trained on waste separation and environment hygiene; as well as built a network of more than 50 garbage stalls and resellers.


This partnership also comprised of 30 hotels to comply with the requirements for appropriate waste management based on eco-rating program criteria issued by various international and national institutions, such as Earth Check, Tri Hita Karana, and Green Globe. The total amount of waste collected were 600 tons.

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Nutrition Improvement and Community-based Health Program in Kampung Badran, Yogyakarta


A Partnership Between Sarihusada & Pos Keadilan Peduli Umat (PKPU)

The nutrition and health program was implemented at Kampung Badran, Jetis District, Yogyakarta, and had three pillars program, namely (1) improving child nutritional quality, (2) revitalizing the Early Childhood Education (ECD/PAUD) institute, and (3) empowering women’s economy. Kampung Badran was chosen to become the target area because there were many children under five in the community who suffered from malnutrition (malnourished and under- nourished). Mothers and children under five in Kampung Badran were the beneficiaries of this program.


Sarihusada and PKPU started their partnership in 2009 and conducted a community empowerment program in Badran area, Jetis, Yogyakarta. Until 2014, the partnership had educated more than a thousand of group members, revitalized PAUD activities from once a month to three times a week, helped build PAUD facility, increased knowledge and skills of teachers and managers of PAUD, developed lesson manual and made the PAUD as one of the pilot project in Yogyakarta.


In addition, the program had increased the awareness of mothers about balanced nutrition and thus lower the children malnutrition problem. Before the program came to an end, Sarihusada had built a community center called Rumah Srikandi program as the part of the post-program sustainability.


The partnership between both organizations from 2009 to 2014 was based on the shared vision to improve the community’s quality of life through improvement nutrition and health quality; and improve the quality of PAUD quality; and increase the economic quality

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Baduta Program: How Clean Water Helps Reduce Stunting


A Partnership between PT Holland for Water & Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN)

Baduta (below two years) Program: How clean water helps reduce stunting is a partnership between PT Holland for Water (NAZAVA) and Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN). It started in September 2014, with their shared interest and concern in nutritional situation particularly during first 1000 days of life (1000 HPK) and access to safe drinking water which is crucial to improve the children nutritional status and reduce stunting. 


The program was implemented in 3 districts in Malang and 3 districts in Sidoarjo. The program’s beneficiaries were pregnant women and children under two (baduta), in an effort to support 1000 HPK. NAZAVA assessed the access to water and provided education in HWTS (Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage) and water quality to 125,000 people. It was followed by proposition to become resellers to establish sustainable supply chain of household filter to 30,000 people. Supply chain would be able to provide safe drinking water and build a facility of water system to 1,000 households with clean water access.


In the process, PT Holland for Water (NAZAVA) and GAIN divided the tasks based on their expertise. NAZAVA as the water filter company focused on research and assessment of water quality, and provided education and knowledge on how to prepare and store drinking water safely. Meanwhile, GAIN was in charge of facilitating the program to the community and coordinating with local government. Both organizations also work together in coordination in implementing the program in six districts.


As of 2016, the Baduta program had achieved 2,000 village cadres; and trained 20,000 women on safe and healthy drinking water; and trained 80 people to become supplier of healthy drinking water technology, 95% of whom were women.

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Semai Benih Bangsa School of Character


A Partnership Between PT PP London Sumatra TBK & Indonesia Heritage Foundation

The partnership between PT PP London Sumatra Tbk (Lonsum) and Indonesia Heritage Foundation (IHF) was conducted between 2007 and 2011 in developing the kindergarten and primary school of Semai Benih Bangsa (SBB), located in Lonsum plantations in North Sumatra, South Sumatra, West Java, East Java, East Kalimantan, North Sulawesi, and South Sulawesi.


The SBB school’s program aimed at improving the quality of education for children between 5 to 12 years old who lived in the surrounding areas of Lonsum plantations by applying Pendidikan Holistik Berbasis Karakter/Character-based Holistic Education (CBHE) method. The program was implemented for non-profit community-based kindergartens and state elementary schools. The main activities of this program were training SBB kindergarten and elementary schools’ teachers in applying CBHE curriculum and providing assistance to already established SBB schools.


Lonsum and IHF divided the main activities into two stages: (1) setting up a pilot SBB school in each plantation site as a benchmark, and (2) setting up more of SBB schools based on the pilot standards. Lonsum’s contribution was identifying the schools to participate the SBB program and funded the training packages, which comprised of CBHE modules, education game tools, reference books on character building, and the school signs. IHF contributed in developing the SBB school concept and CBHE curriculum, training, coaching for SBB pilot schools and teachers. 


This partnership successfully organized 9 training courses for 150 SBB teachers; developed 66 SBB kindergartens and 9 SBB elementary schools across all project sites, offered education for 3,000 children per year. SBB also made a positive impact on mother and child health in preventing infectious diseases. On the other hand, SBB presented a positive image of the company and also built great demand by the children of Lonsum employees. Lonsum and IHF would continue to collaborate in overcoming challenges, including providing training funds, selecting schools and teachers, in remote locations.

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Improving Access of Information and Communication for Women in Sragen, Central Java


A Partnership Between Coca-Cola Foundation Indonesia, Library Office of Sragen and Wanita Mandiri Center

PerpuSeru program ( was one of the nation-wide programs of Coca-Cola Foundation Indonesia (CCFI), which was based on a sustainable partnership between the business, local government and the community sectors, with the objective to transform district- level public libraries to become IT- and ICT-based community learning center. The program started in 2011 and ended in 2015, with youth group, women and micro- entrepreneurs as the beneficiaries. The PerpuSeru program was taken place in 16 provinces in Sumatra, Kalimantan, Java, Sulawesi and West Nusa Tenggara.


In implementing this program, CCFI worked in partnerships with each and every Perpusda and non-government organizations (NGOs) in their program area. For Sragen district (Central Java), CCFI built a partnership with Perpusda Sragen under the local government, and a non-profit organization called Wanita Mandiri Center (WMC) since 2012. The PerpuSeru provided the supports to the program including: (1) IT equipment (computers, internet connection, etc.), (2) capacity building training for the library staff and other supporting staff, (3) technical assistance through mentoring the library staff on how to provide public services such as community engagement activities, stakeholders advocacy, and IT services.


The partnership with WMC benefited ex-migrant workers, housewives and victims of domestic violence. CCFI offered training, IT facilities; and built communication with the local government to smoothen the activities. Perpusda Sragen has built the partnerships with private sectors, and other Regional Work Units (Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah/SKPD)i, NGOs, and provided space for activities, and persuaded the regional government to issue policy and allocate budget in order to have a sustainable program. While WMC as the champion for beneficiary groups, worked hard to involve individual beneficiaries and disseminated the information to a wider audience and the government through various media.


This partnership provided mutual benefits for all parties. The Perpusda Sragen got a chance to improve services, renew IT facilities that finally attract people's interest to come and visit the library. While the beneficiary group – under WMC- benefited from the computer and internet training, IT facilities and entrepreneurial training which improved their economies. CCFI also benefited by achieving their program’s mission to enhance the library as an IT/ICT-based community learning center. The partnership with WMC had trained 100 women by end of 2014 on how to use IT and how to develop micro enterprises. Up to 60 of them had used their skills and knowledge in internet and email to market their product online. Their sales had a 30-40% increased per year.

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Technology for Sustainable Development


A Partnership Between Microsoft Indonesia and YCAB Foundation

Microsoft Indonesia (Microsoft) partners with Yayasan Cinta Anak Bangsa (YCAB Foundation) in implementing “YouthSpark” program which aims to increase access for marginalized youth to learn computer science.


The program was implemented between 2013 and 2014 in Jakarta, and between 2014 and 2015 in Jambi, with possibilities of extension. Both organizations agreed to partner based on their common view on the importance of the financial in- dependence for high school and vocational school students, and also young people aged 16-18 years old.


The activity comprised of three parts: (1) seminar to motivate youth to become independent, (2) group coaching to start new business using IT, and (3) access to get seed funding.


By April 2015, YouthSpark program had reached 3,000 youth, 400 of whom successfully opened their own business with IT support (Office 365), and also received seed funding.

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Improving Nutrition for Elementary School Students


A Partnership Between PT Frisian Flag Indonesia, Center for Nutrition, and Health Studies FKMUI

Gerakan Nusantara is a partnership between Frisian Flag Indonesia (FFI) and Center for Nutrition and Health Studies (PKGK), Faculty of Public Health at the University of Indonesia. This partnership started in 2013, based on common concern in nutrition, particularly in addressing stunting problems in Indonesia. 


The activities comprised of three groups, namely: Full Treatment, Half Treatment and Control Group. Each group consists of 10 SD (elementary school) chosen randomly each year. These groups were set up to measure the impact of the program. The activities for Full Treatment group includes physical activities, education on nutrition, distribution of milk, teachers’ training, and training for students. Half Treatment group carried out the same activities but without the training for students. Finally, the Control group only receives the activation activities in the form of physical activity and nutrition education.


During the implementation, FFI and PKGK shared roles in accordance with the competency of each organization. PKGK as an academic organization, is instrumental in the development of knowledge-attitude -practice (KAP) survey design that is good for post- program, as well as the determination of the baseline sample, data collection and analysis of the survey results. While the FFI helped facilitate a survey in five program areas including coordination with local governments. The two organizations also coordinate and cooperate in the implementation of the activities throughout the elementary schools involved.


Results achieved by the program during the year 2013 to 2015 was more than 600,000 students from 1,250 elementary schools learned about nutrition. Up to 300 teachers in 60 elementary schools in Medan, Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya and Makassar have attended the training.

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Program Desa Mitra (Village Partner Program): Community-Based Economic Empowerment Initiatives in Bantar Gebang, Bekasi, West Java


A Partnership Between PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk and Pos Daya Delima VII

PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk (Indofood) and Pos Daya Delima VII (Pos Daya) cooperate in implementing a program called Village Partner Program, which aims at improving the welfare of Bantar Gebang citizens in Bekasi, West Java, Both organizations agreed to work together to implement the program from 2011 to 2015. Collaboration between these two organizations is based on common objectives of strengthening economic conditions of the families.


Village Partner Program comprised of three main activities: (1) the empowerment of Early Childhood Education (ECD), (2) improvement of the health of children under five years old and expectant mothers, and (3) economic empowerment for underprivileged families. The beneficiaries include 31 students of early childhood education (for every year); 225 children under five years old, and 25 expectant mothers, who use the integrated health post (Posyandu); and 14 families, who use the benefits of the entrepreneurial facilities.


The evaluation on Pos Daya has shown satisfactory impact. The outcomes include zero number of children with poor nutrition, steady progress in practicing clean and healthy living behaviors, increased entrepreneurial activities, and no more disadvantaged citizens.

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Building Community Independency and Social Stability through Micro, Small and Medium Businesses in Garut, West Java


A Partnership Between Chevron Indonesia and the Association for Advancement of Small Business (PUPUK)

Chevron and the Association for Advancement of Small Business (PUPUK) partnered in a program called “Income Generation Project for Forestry Community” (IGP4Com) from 2009 to 2013. This program focused on economic empowerment in areas where Chevron operates, namely Samarang and Pasirwangi sub-districts, Garut Regency, West Java Province.


The main beneficiaries of this program were most vulnerable groups, such as housewives, farmers, and youth of 17-24 years old. The four intervention focuses were (1) development of integrated farming system, (2) strengthening of microfinance institution, (3) development of processing business and industry, and (4) community creative center (“Center”). The four interventions were interrelated and supported the business continuity by the community in the long run. In implementing the partnership, Chevron supported the funding, while PUPUK provided the training and technical advice on developing micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME). 


As of the end of 2013, among other program’s achievements: (1) 278 housewives and farmers have received integrated farming training, (2) the Micro Financial Institution had gathered 800 members, with a distributed loan of Rp. 525 million, and 95% repayment success rate (3) more than 4,000 community members received training on MSME; and (4) the Center has successfully established 47 new business groups consisting of 675 housewives, 700 farmers, and 168 youth, and resulted in producing 125 kind of products from its nurtured groups, (5) transaction of nurtured groups has increased from Rp. 203 million in 2011 to Rp. 3 billion in 2013.


The success of their partnership was based on the nature of integrated activities, starting from farming, processing of agricultural product & handicrafts, packaging and marketing (through micro credit). In terms of program sustainability, Chevron and PUPUK have decided to develop integrated and eco- friendly centers for economic activity, such as strengthening the cooperatives, development of the business center for processed food, and the development of Ciburial to be the first culture-based tourism village in Garut area.


Based on the observation of both partners, the program also benefitted in reducing social unrest as the result of economic growth from the improved business either on-farm or off-farm owned by the community groups.

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Daya Health and Wellness Program: Empowering Pensioner Customers Through Better Health Care


A Partnership Between Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional and the Indonesian General Practitioners Association

Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional (BTPN) partnered with the Indonesian General Practitioners Association (PDUI) to empower pensioner customers over age 55 to lead a healthy way of life. The partnership program, called The Daya Health and Wellness Program (Daya Sehat Sejahtera) or DSS, was introduced in 2010 and continued until 2013, with the possibility of extension.


PDUI developed a Consultation and Health Service procedure, relevant educational materials, and a health care system; conducted interactive dialogues; and acted as resource for health volunteers’ training. BTPN provided the venue for activities carried out at its branch offices along with the required educational materials and covered the operating costs of health volunteers.


The partnership has benefited both parties. PDUI has the opportunity to implement its organizational vision to revitalize primary health care in Indonesia through BTPN branches. BTPN, on the other hand, benefits from the improved health status of its customers, which ensures that they are physically and mentally fit to continue leading a productive and healthy life in their advanced age. From 2010 to 2013, the partnership helped develop 250 consultation and health clinics and initiated interactive dialogues in 403 branch offices, benefiting over 600,000 customers each year, 70% of whom have reported being satisfied with the availability of these activities. DSS-related activities are rolled out across 32 provinces throughout Indonesia.


Both partners agree that the program’s continuity will be driven by pensioner customers’ demand for information and services on geriatric health care. Meanwhile, life expectancy among the elderly has improved over time, which points to a sustained need for specialized care among older adults.

Improving Access to Clean Water and Sanitation in East Java, Indonesia


A Partnership Between ExxonMobil and Farabi

In 2008, ExxonMobil and Farabi formed a three-year partnership to provide access to clean water and sanitation in two districts of East Java where ExxonMobil operation areas are located. The partners worked closely with community leaders and members to design and implement the program.


They trained community members to build water and sanitation facilities and manage community fund to maintain these facilities. In addition, the partners conducted meetings with local governments to introduce the program and ask for support in building the facilities and promoting healthy and clean living behaviors through the district health office.


Involving communities and local governments from the beginning is key to the partnership’s success in ensuring ownership and sustainability of the program. During the implementation, the communities saw how they were benefiting from the services and became willing to pay fees and contribute resources to sustain clean water and sanitation services.


By 2011, ExxonMobil and Farabi worked with communities to build and sustain 17 clean water distribution systems for 2,779 households, 2,583 units of latrines distributed to seven villages. Farabi conducted health promotion in 12 primary schools in ten villages. 

Building Disaster Preparedness Through Education


A Partnership Between PT Trakindo Utama (Trakindo) and Yayasan Hope Indonesia (YHI)

The initiative to build cooperation in disaster preparedness program was realized in the partnership program implemented by PT Trakindo Utama (Trakindo) as an initiator with its partner, HOPE Indonesia Foundation. This partnership was started because of their shared interest on disaster management, especially in the disaster preparedness, a part of disaster management which is still considered lacking of participation from the private companies.


The disaster preparedness program implemented in 2015, was a training program for teachers and students as vulnerable group to natural disaster. There are 11 state elementary schools (SDN) assisted by Trakindo, located in operational Trakindo areas, namely: Palu, Marauke, Pangkalan Bun, Meulaboh, Kendari, Ambon, Kupang, Bogor, Medan, Ternate, and Padang to receive of the program. The material given to the teachers and students included: alert against tsunamis, cold lava floods, tornados, fires, floods, and earthquakes.


The objectives of the program are: 1) Building a safe and secure culture in schools by developing a joint network of stakeholders in disaster management; 2) Enhancing the capacity of the school institution and individual to produce a safer place to learn for students, teachers, and school community members and the community around the school area; 3) Disseminating and developing disaster knowledge to the wider community through school education.


 In the program, both sides complement each other in their respective roles. Trakindo involved 10 employees as the volunteer trainers in the disaster preparedness training. YHI, as the technical advisor, provided its expertise in the module making, and HOPE worldwide provided its supports.

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*Daya Tumbuh Usaha Program: Entrepreneurial Growth Program for Businesses and Communities 


A Partnership Between BTPN and SB-IPB

Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional Tbk (BTPN) focuses on micro-, small- and medium-scale enterprises (MSME), and low-income communities (mass market). BTPN believes that mass market customers do not only need financial access but also training and mentoring to improve their business capacity and quality of life. To fulfill those needs, BTPN implemented a coaching and customer empowerment program called Daya.


Daya is organized in a sustainable and measurable manner and aimed at all of BTPN customers. Daya Program consists of three pillars: Daya Sehat Sejahtera (Health and Wellness), Daya Tumbuh Usaha (Entrepreneurial Growth/DTU), and Daya Tumbuh Komunitas (Community Development). To improve the quality of Daya Program, particularly the Daya Tumbuh Usaha, BTPN partnered with the Bogor Institute of Agriculture’s Business School (SB-IPB) to develop training curriculum based on customers’ need. BTPN and SB-IPB believe that the implementation of Daya program can improve the customers’ business capacity.


The partnership between BTPN and SB-IPB initially started in 2009 to develop the module and to conduct customer need assessment. Later on in 2012, they began to develop the curricula, teaching references unit, and module improvements. The partnership between BTPN and SB-IPB also includes survey and evaluation of the activity, program monitoring of its impact on beneficiaries, and access for new business. The program implementation is supported by BTPN branch offices throughout Indonesia. Daya Tumbuh Usaha or Entrepreneurial Growth (DTU) program consists of 3 sub-programs, namely Business Information Program; Skills Development; and New Business Opportunity Trainings.


Besides in-class training, DTU program also disseminates information and entrepreneurial tips through posters and flyers. There are more than 10,000 customers who have participated in BTPN & SB-IPB’s 4-module training program.


In total, there are 187,000 customers who have participated in DTU program facilitated by 160 certified trainers. Due to today’s digital era, the DTU’s curricula will also include introduction to e-commerce for those who wanted to expand their businesses. For this, BTPN involves college students to train the micro- and smallentrepreneurs in online marketing.


*ACCESS Partnerships has added “Entrepreneurial Growth Program for Business and Communities” to the original title.

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Community-Based Partnership for Improving the Quality of Rural Education

A Partnership Between Tanoto Foundation and SDN 169/V Cinta Damai Village

The partnership between Tanoto Foundation and SDN 169/V Cinta Damai Village, Renah Mendaluh sub- district, West Tanjung Jabung District in Jambi, is based on mutual trust and interest in the quality of educa- tion. For Tanoto Foundation (TF), education is the way to eradicate the poverty among the families in Indone- sia. For the local government, the partnership through SDN 169/V will help improve the education system and the educators’ quality, particularly in remote areas.


Both partners agreed to implement four activities, namely (1) improve teachers’ capacity, (2) increase children interest in reading, (3) improve school infrastructure and (4) involve key stakeholders for the school develop- ment. Among other result and impact from the program are that the school has independently built partner- ships with other institutions, namely Village Unit Cooperative, Puskesmas (primary health care), parents, and companies where each partner provided various contributions. In addition to the increasing number of the partners, SDN 169/V received various awards in the sub-district, district, even in provincial levels. In term of education quality aspect, SDN 169/V has achieved the Teacher Competency Test above the national standard.


The main challenges faced are the number of the students still below 200, poor access of transportation to school, and status of honorary teachers. In the future, Tanoto Foundation will be collaborating with the local government to strengthen the trainer capacity and make SDN as the pilot school for the other educational institutions.

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Sekolah Rakyat Ancora: Improving the Quality of Education


A Partnership Between Ancora Foundation and Indonesia Heritage Foundation

Sekolah Rakyat Ancora program was the partnership between Ancora Foundation and Indonesia Heritage Foundation (IHF). It aimed at improving the quality of education in PAUD, including the teacher capacity. The partnership model reflected the expertise of each organization.


Ancora Foundation conducted the fundraising for the teachers training, identified PAUDs and kindergartens to be involved, provided technical support during the activities and conducted monitoring and evaluation. Meanwhile, IHF conducted training for teachers, provided the Character-based Holistic Education (CBHE) learning modules, story book, educational game tools, lesson plan, supporting literature and signboard for the partners.


By 2015, Sekolah Rakyat Ancora had successfully trained 830 teachers from 415 PAUDs which gave impact to more than 12,000 children across Indonesia. The package of training and teaching material for PAUD are 6 modules of CBHE, 122 story books, 74 educational game tools, 1 set of pillar module, 1 set of pillar book and 5 supporting literature for two years of learning session.

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Nestlé Healthy Kids: Bringing Healthier Indonesian Children Into Reality


A Partnership Between Nestlé Indonesia & Indonesian Nutrition Association

In 2012, Nestle Indonesia partnered with the Indonesian Nutrition Association (INA) to improve the nutrition status of children aged 6-12 through the Nestle Healthy Kids (NHK) programs across 17 areas in Indonesia. The partners shared belief that elementary school age represented a second golden opportunity to improve nutrition and nutrition-related health problems allowing children to develop into healthy adults.


Nestle engaged in implementing the NHK program at schools in addition to provide financial and staff support. INA provided expert technical support, which included trainers, education materials, training modules for teachers, and gave technical recommendations for the planning and implementation of the NHK program.


The partners had strategies set in place to ensure the program’s sustainability after their partnership ended. One strategy is to boost the schools’ and parents’ involvement in managing and implementing the activities to create a sense of ownership and ultimately willingness to support the program financially and physically. Results achieved as of May 2013 are (a) 28,500 students from 65 elementary schools are informed about nutrition and physical activities; (b) 2,200 parents were informed about child nutrition and health; (c) 860 teachers, 65 principals, and 72 community health centers attended the NHK program. In addition, Nestle and INA noted several impacts of the NHK program based on qualitative observation and monitoring.

A Community-based Clean Water and Safe Sanitation Program in West Java, Indonesia


A Partnership Between Danone Aqua and Yayasan Pembangunan Citra Insan Indonesia

Danone Aqua and Yayasan Pembangunan Citra Insan Indonesia (YPCII) partnered from 2010 to 2012 to increase community access to sustainable clean water and safe sanitation facilities and change behaviors in hygiene and sanitation practices.The program took place in West Java in areas where two AQUA factories are located. Danone Aqua and YPCII each contributed technical expertise and resources to the program. A key to success of their partnership was that the partners obtained support from local governments and the community from the beginning.


The partners facilitated the establishment of a Community Workforce Team to oversee the installation of water pipeline and a village-owned business unit staffed by individuals selected by the village to manage clean water and safe sanitation facilities. Both processes built a sense of ownership to ensure the sustainability of the results of the partnership. YPCII was in charge of the behavior change component of the program. It used a community-led total sanitation approach to influence community hygiene and sanitation practices.


By the end of the partnership, access to clean water increased from 17% to 74%; 92% of the communities (equivalent to 5,520 people) were able to use a house latrine; 20 out of 28 neighborhood associations are now free of open defecation;and the morbidity rate from diarrheal disease decreased from 20% to 11%, particularly among children.

Providing a Clean and Healthy Environment through Community Participation, in Yogyakarta, Indonesia


A Partnership Between Unilever Indonesia and Perkumpulan Persada​​

Unilever Indonesia and Perkumpulan Persada, an Indonesian NGO that trains communication professionals, partnered in 2011 to implement "Yogyakarta Green and Clean (DIYCG)," a community-based project to build a clean and healthy environment through household waste management. During the course of their partnership, Unilever and Persada encountered challenges in both implementing the program and managing the partnership. However, they found ways to address those challenges to drive success.


The partnership succeeded in mobilizing community participation in sorting waste, making compost, converting waste into reusable material, and collecting and selling waste to collectors. In a year, the partners reached 452 of 614 hamlets (74%) in 68 sub-districts of Yogyakarta Province. The partners trained 452 community members as field facilitators and recruited more than 5,000 volunteers, many of whom are women. The communities in two districts of Yogyakarta reduced the volume of inorganic waste by 12 percent.


The partnership was able to tackle post consumer plastic waste while empowering women as entrepreneurs turning plastic waste into fashion products, locally known as "Yogya Trashion". A total of one hundred women benefited from revenue earned through Yogya Trashion. The partnership also involved five district governments to build on the success of the project. The provincial government of Yogyakarta has continued the program after the partners ended their involvement in the one-year program. Unilever and Persada are now partnering to implement a Waste Bank program that helps improve the environment and provides additional income for the community.

Community-Based Environmental Conservation and Micro-finance Development in West Java, Indonesia​


A Partnership Between Chevron and Yayasan Bina Usaha Lingkungan (YBUL)

Chevron and Yayasan Bina Usaha Lingkungan (YBUL), an Indonesian NGO with expertise in renewable energy and small to medium businesses, have partnered since 2009 to reduce deforestation in the forest of Halimun-Salak National Park in West Java where Chevron operates a geothermal power plant. Chevron and YBUL believe that local communities can play a significant role in land use decision-making and benefit from managing the surrounding forest and its resources without damaging the environment. The partners also recognize that the communities must be able to pursue sustainable livelihoods in the process.


The partnership focuses on the following activities to empower the local communities: (1) forest conservation and income generation from goat and rabbit breeding, organic farming, and creating tree nurseries; (2) protection of eagles in the target areas; (3) forest conservation communication and awareness; and (4) microfinance development. YBUL coordinates all organizations involved in activities including Chevron, four NGOs specializing in each of these issues, and local governments. By the end of 2011 the majority of communities had stopped cutting forest trees and communities were earning more than 3,000 USD per year from the goat and tree nursery businesses. The partnership had also leveraged approximately 6,000 USD in funds from local governments to help communities. Two events were held to release eagles into the wild. Materials were produced to increase awareness of forest conservation and the need for eagle protection.


Chevron and YBUL continue to work on several challenges including how to: improve their strategy on micro-financing to benefit farmers; prevent community financial dependency on Chevron; increase communities' capacity to create business; and jointly monitor and evaluate activities. The partners envision more partnerships involving NGOs and local governments in the target areas to help farmers continue their businesses.

Turn Waste into Benefit: Credit Access for Dairy Farmers in East Java, Indonesia to Use Biogas


A Partnership Between Nestlé Indonesia and Hivos

Nestlé Indonesia and the Humanist Institute for Development Cooperation (Hivos), a Dutch non-governmental organization, have partnered since May 2010 to implement the domestic biogas program known as “BIRU” that distributes biogas units to households as a sustainable energy source through the use of microcredit. The program aims to improve living conditions of household by using biogas.


The two partners agreed to collaborate based on two objectives: (1) increase access to affordable energy by using biogas, and; (2) reduce negative environmental and health impacts of dairy farming activities. The three-year partnership operates in East Java and is beneficial to all stakeholders involved. As of October 2011, 11 cooperatives had been trained on how to build biogas units and provide maintenance. They have built 3,121 units.


The partnership has created 250 new jobs. More than 50% of households that have built biogas units are now using biogas waste as organic fertilizer to replace chemical fertilizer. The partners also hope to continue to reach as many dairy farmers as possible in East Java and to overcome challenges that emerged during the partnership.

Revitalizing Posyandus in Indonesia to Improve Maternal and Child Health


A Partnership Between Kraft Foods and Save the Children​

Kraft Foods and Save the Children created a partnership program called FRESH (Future Resilience and Stronger Households) - also known as the "Posyandu Strengthening Program" to improve feeding practices, healthy behaviors, community-based health services, and early childhood development (ECD) services in Indonesia. A posyandu is a monthly community gathering organized and managed by the community to improve maternal and child health.


The partnership started in April 2009 and will continue until March 2012. Intervention areas include West Bandung, Bekasi, and Karawang districts in West Java that target 54 villages and 556 Posyandus. By the end of March 2011, the program had reached 40,204 children and mothers through posyandus and ECD services, trained 2,560 cadres (village volunteers), reached 455 of 556 Posyandus, and reached 399,726 individuals through food festivals and the distribution of health education materials.


Over 240 Kraft Foods' employees have volunteered to help with the FRESH Indonesia project. A schedule of quarterly employee engagement program (EEP) activities has been developed for the duration of the project. The two partners are continuing to find ways to address challenges and leverage key success factors that emerged during the partnership.

Malaria Control Integrated Program in Papua, Indonesia


A Partnership Between PT Freeport Indonesia & Amungme-Kamoro Community

This case study discusses a multilayered partnership to eradicate malaria in Papua, Indonesia. The first level of partnership involves PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) andLembaga Pengembangan Masyarakat Amungme Kamoro or LPMAK (Amungme-Kamoro Community Development Institute). PTFI created LPMAK, an NGO, in 2002 to manage its Partnership Fund for Community Development in and around the area of operation of PTFI. The second level is between LPMAK and two health NGOs with LPMAK functioning both as a donor and source of technical assistance to the health NGOs. Yayasan Pembangunan Citra Insan Indonesia (YPCII) and Yayasan Caritas Timika (YCT) are the health organizations that work with LPMAK to eliminate malaria in Mimika district using a community empowerment approach. Timika is the capital of Mimika District in Papua.


The three-year partnership between PTFI/LPMAK and YPCII began in 2008. The partnership with YCT began in 1999. Activities include community education on malaria prevention, training of village volunteers to ensure sustainability of the education program, indoor residual spraying, bed net distribution, blood test surveys to monitor the spread of malaria, larva control, and treatment for malaria cases.


The program has reached nearly 10,000 people and the number of malaria cases has declined since 2008. The number of communities participating in activities has increased and school surveys indicate that the percentage of students testing positive for malaria declined by 20% between 2009 and 2010 from 12% to 9.55%.


The program faces considerable challenges. The most significant is ensuring the sustainability of activities. Partners work with the relatively new local government (created in 1999) to enable it to take over responsibility for health issues. They continue to strengthen local health services managed by the government, including a referral system that connects clinics, hospitals, and other health resources in the area. Partners also continue to work with communities to strengthen education programs that reinforce behavior within communities to prevent the spread of malaria.

Ensuring Sustainable Reproductive Health Services through Community Participation


A Partnership Between Pertamina and the Indonesian Planned Parenthood Association (IPPA)

Pertamina, Indonesia’s state-owned oil and gas company and the Indonesian Planned Parenthood Association (IPPA) partner to increase access to reproductive health services in seven provinces where both partners operate. Their three-year partnership program, SEHATI, or Healthy Loving Children and Mother, started in 2009.


The program is one of several efforts by the two partners to decrease maternal and child mortality rates. As of 2010, SEHATI has reached over 60,000 villagers with its activities. SEHATI committees in 16 out of 26 targeted villages are now able to manage community funds to help pregnant women on their own.


They are also now able to revitalize village health posts and organize emergency task forces to help more mothers and children in their villages.

Skills to Succeed: Opening Doors to Employment and Economic Opportunities for Marginalized Youth in Bandung and Lampung


A Partnership Between Accenture and Save the Children

Skills to Succeed (S2S) is a global program of Accenture’s Corporate Citizenship that has been implemented in several countries, including Indonesia. S2S is a program that is addressing the need of marginalized youth (aged 15-24) to increase their capacity in entrepreneurship and job related skills.


In Indonesia, Accenture is in partnership with its global partner, Save the Children (StC), in implementing the program since 2012 in Bandung area (West Java) and Lampung (Sumatra). Both organizations share similar goal to improve the livelihood for youth and to achieve impact globally.

The S2S program activities are: (1) to assess the job market, (2) to provide training on vocation, life skills and entrepreneurship, (3) to establish network with companies, government, training centers, associations, and other institutions; to support vocational, internship, entrepreneurship training, and job assignment for youth groups, and (4) to build communication with decision makers in relations to policy on youth workers.


As of April 2014, S2S program has trained 1,680 youth on vocational skills, 775 youth on entrepreneurship, and 2,584 youth on life skills. From these results, approximately 879 youth have participated in the internship program, 727 youth have been hired as permanent employees, and 152 youth have established their own businesses.

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Improving the quality of Maternal and Child Health Services in Indonesia


A Partnership Between PT Johnson & Johnson Indonesia and the Indonesian Midwives Association (IBI)

Johnson & Johnson and the Indonesian Midwives Association are working together to standardize and improve the quality of maternal and child health services provided by private-sector midwives in Indonesia who comprise 30% of all midwives.


Since 2006, the partnership has supported training and materials for over 2,000 private-sector midwives on how to deliver, monitor, and evaluate services.


The partners have run national media campaigns to encourage communities to use services provided by qualified midwives and both partners hope to see all sectors leverage more of their resources to help reduce rates of maternal and infant mortality.

HIV/AIDS and Drug Abuse Prevention Campaign in the Workforce


A Partnership Between PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk and The Indonesian Humanitarian Committee (KKI)

PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk (UI) and The Indonesian Humanitarian Committee (Komite Kemanusiaan Indonesia or KKI) have been partnering since 2003 to prevent HIV and drug abuse among its workers, most of whom are male, at a UI factory in Cikarang, an industrial area just outside of Jakarta.


A major success of the partnership has been a training-of-trainers (TOT) program carried out by KKI.


The program has developed a team of volunteer workers who provide information and training to other workers on preventing HIV/AIDS and drug abuse.

Empowering the Community at Risk


A Partnership Between PT Tupperware Indonesia and HOPE Worldwide

In one of the poorest districts in north Jakarta, PT Tupperware and HOPE worldwide have come together to help bring women and children a better quality of life. In response to priorities set by the community, Tupperware employees have joined volunteers that are part of the network of 7000 that support HOPE worldwide in Indonesia and community members carry out projects.


These include a Saturday school program, health clinic and mobile clinic, new public toilet facility, beautification project, and sewage clean-up. The partnership also provides training to women to make handbags and other products from recycled plastic to supplement their incomes.

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Seeing is Believing


A Partnership Between Standard Chartered Bank and Helen Keller International in Indonesia

To help eliminate preventable blindness in Indonesia, Standard Chartered Bank and Helen Keller International have joined forces to improve the sight and nutrition of adults and children.


Since 2004, the partnership has supported nearly 2,000 surgeries to restore sight on the island of Lombok, reached nearly half a million children with supplements in West Java, and supplied eye glasses and surgeries to more than 800 children in Jakarta.


The partnership also involves the Indonesian Ministry of Health to ensure consistency and sustainability as well as professional ophthalmology associations.

Preventing HIV/AIDS in the Workplace in Indonesia


A Partnership Between PT Gajah Tunggal and Yayasan Kusuma Buana (YKB)

PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk (GT), the largest integrated tire producer in South-East Asia, and Yayasan Kusuma Buana (YKB), an Indonesian health organization, have partnered to educate and train the company’s more than 10,000 factory workers in HIV/AIDS prevention.


The campaign began in 2003, and is based on peer education with small groups of workers, of whom 94 percent are men. The partnership is also reaching out to nearby communities with HIV/AIDS prevention education. This campaign in the world’s largest Muslim nation has attracted international attention.


Partners have traveled to Egypt at the invitation of UNAIDS to provide information about their program, and for the last three years they have demonstrated their approach to NGO visitors from many developing countries.

Re-establishing and Sustaining Reproductive Health Care in Aceh after the Tsunami 


A Partnership Between Chevron and Jhpiego

Chevron and Jhpiego helped rebuild and increase the sustainability of public and private reproductive health services in Aceh following the 2004 Tsunami.


The partnership supported a community mobilization program to ensure safe childbirth and strategic planning and advocacy that led to a tenfold increase in the district budget for maternal and child health between 2005 and 2007.

Working Together to Improve the Health of Workers, Their Families, and the Community in Indonesia


A Partnership Between PT Dewhirst, Yayasan Kusuma Buana, Marks & Spencer, and Medika Pratama

In 2003, the UK-owned clothing manufacturer PT Dewhirst (PTD) and the Indonesian health organization Yayasan Kusuma Buana (YKB) established a clinic in Bandung Indonesia to improve worker and community health. Started with seed money provided by Marks and Spencer (M&S), the sole customer of PTD, the clinic reached the breakeven point within two years and continues to be self-sustaining.


As of 2008, the clinic was serving over 7,400 workers, family members, and individuals from nearby communities. Key factors in this success include how PTD implements the government-mandated health insurance for its workers, and the quality of YKB services, as well as the willingness of the private health insurance company used by PTD, Medika Pratama (MP), to cover health education.


The company partner has experienced reduced absenteeism and labor turnover, increased production, and improved health among its workers. The NGO partner is expanding the range of services it offers, most recently adding TB treatment, and plans additional high-quality services. Both partners are committed to helping others replicate their approach to ensuring sustainable health care for workers and communities in Indonesia

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